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Files with the text property tax written on the tab,

Umbrella Accountants – Property Accountants Brisbane

Rental Property Tax Return Data Collection  or Rental Schedule – Excel Spreadsheet

When is CGT applicable to major renovations of Pre 1985 Properties ?Figure House made of silver coins

Property GST – The Margin Scheme Tug of War between Buyers & Sellers

When do I need to charge GST on renovating a house to sell

Main Residence – 4 Year Rule for CGT exemption on construction

Do I have to pay Tax if I sell the backyard off?

Property Developments – Profit Margins & GST Margin Scheme – How does it work together?

Depreciation could be the difference between a positive or negative geared rental property!

Calculating Depreciation ebook

Calculator with HELP on display on white background Depreciation Calculator

Mortgage Calculator

Land Tax Calculator  NSW, Qld, Vic, SA, WA, Tas

Stamp Duty Calculator NSW, Qld, Vic, SA, WA, TAS

Capital Gains on Property Calculator

Australian Tax Residency Status Calculator

WOW – Property Advice Tailored to your situation from $220

Files with the text property tax written on the tab,Property Values Factors

 Investment Property Due Dilgence

Structuring for maximise tax effectiveness, best ownership and loans setups

Capital Gains, Stamp Duty, Land Tax, GST  implications

Cashflow before & after Tax Cost estimates

Maximise Tax Deductons & Depreciation

All Appointments are either at our office – Phone or Skype 

 Garry Wolnarek and the team at Umbrella Accountants

I and the team look forward to meeting you and making a difference in your property investments.

All meetings can be either at our office, your business or via Video Conference such as Skype

Skpe Name – garry.wolnarek      Linkedin Profile 

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